The German Terms in English Translation (At the moment, this list is in revision)
Ahnen / Totenkult | Ancestors / mourning rituals (?) |
Altar | Altar (?) |
Älteste | Elders |
Amt | Office |
Amtspersonen | Officials |
Ansage-Absage-Formel | Opening-closing-formula |
Arme | Poor |
Aschera | Ascherah |
Asyl / -städte | Asylum / cities of refuge |
Ausrottungsformel | Formula of exstinction (?) |
Ausschließlichkeitsanspruch | Claim of exclusivity (?) |
Bann / Vernichtungsweihe | Ban / devotion to ban of destruction (?) |
Barmherzigkeit | Compassion (?) |
Beschneidung | Circumcision |
Bild / Bilderverbot | Image /prohibition of idolatry |
böse | bad (?) |
Bruder / Nächster | Brother / neighbour |
Bund / Eid / Vertrag | Covenant / oath / treaty |
Dekalog | Decalogue |
Edom | Edom |
Ehe / Familie | Marriage, family |
Ehre / Scham | Honor / |
Eifer / -sucht | Zeal / jealousy |
Erbbesitz | Inheritance |
Erinnern | Remember |
Erwählung | Choice |
Exodus | Exodus |
Fabel des Deuteronomiums | "Fabula" of Deuteronomy |
Feier / Fest / Freude | Celebration / feast / joy |
Fluch | Curse |
Frau | Woman |
Fremde | Strangers or foreigners |
Gemeinde / Versammlung | Community / assembly |
Generation | Generation |
Gerechtigkeit | Justice, Righteousness |
Gericht | Law-court / judgement (?) |
Gesetz | Law (?) |
Gesetzestermini | Legal terms |
Gewalt | Violence |
Gewaltenteilung | Separation of powers (?) |
Glaube | Faith |
Gott | God |
Götter | Gods |
Greuel | Abomination |
Heiligkeit | Sanctity |
Heute | Today |
Hiskija | Hezekiah |
Historisches Credo | |
hrm | hrm |
Israel | Israel |
Itinerare | Itinery |
Jeremia | Jeremiah |
Joschia | Josiah |
Josua | Joshua |
Kinderfrage | |
König | King |
Krieg | War |
Kult / Ritual | Cult / ritual (?) |
Kultzentralisation | Centralization of cult (?) |
Lade | Ark |
Land / -beschreibungen/ -verheißung | Land / description of the land / promise of the land |
Leben | Life / live |
lehren / lernen | Teach / learn |
Levirat | Levirate |
Leviten | Levites |
Liebe | Love |
Manasse | Manasseh |
Menschenraub | Kidnapping (?) |
Monotheismus | Monotheism |
Mose | Moses |
Name Gottes | Name of God |
Nation / Volk | Nation / people |
Numeruswechsel | |
Opfer / -arten | Sacrifice / species of sacrifices (?) |
Paränese | Parenesis |
Priester | Priest |
Prophet | Prophet |
Prophetisches Amt | Prophetical office |
Rafaiter | Rephaite |
Raum | Space (?) |
Recht | Law (?) |
Reinheit | Purity (?) |
Richter | Judge |
Sabbat | Sabbat |
Segen | Blessing |
Sihon und Og | Sihon and Og |
Sklaven | Slaves |
Speiseverbote | |
Staat | State |
Stadt / -bereiche | Town / urban districts |
Tafeln | Tables |
Talion | Talion |
Theophore Namen | Theophoric names |
Tod | Death (?) |
Todesstrafe | Death penalty (?) Capital punishment (?) |
Tora | Torah |
Überschriften (systeme) | (Systems of) headings (?) |
Umkehr | Conversion |
Väter / -verheißungen | Patriarchs / promises to the fathers |
Verfassung | Constitution |
Vergebung | Forgiveness (?) |
Verhältnis zu JHWH | Relation to YHWH |
Völker / -listen | Peoples / lists of peoples |
Waisen / Witwen | Orphans / widows |
Weisheit | Wisdom |
Zorn Gottes | Wrath of God |