Druckansicht - Friday 28. February 2025
Department of Old Testament Bible Studies
Search Options


You are able to search for titles that focus on the book of Deuteronomy and its related fields. (To read about what sources are not included in the database, see "about AnaBiDeut".)


After a search, each title is presented in the same way. Here's an example:




In the first half of the entry, the database presents all the bibliographical details necessary for a scholarly citation. In the second half, information is presented which the database has associated with that title:

  1. biblical passages for which the title is important (often with page numbers for books and longer articles),
  2. keywords for which the title is important,
  3. categories according to which the title can be organized.

For further information on the biblical passages, keywords and categories, consult "about AnaBiDeut". What appears in this section are those details that have been researched for a particular title and recorded in the database. They are displayed together with the title so that one can better set about organizing the material.



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